Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Don't Be Afraid to Admit Failure and Readjust Your Goals

By: Yesenia Vargas

Maybe you recall the veeerrry ambitious writing goals I had set for myself this year.

When I was about eight months pregnant.

And had no clue what having a baby would entail.

I had been on a roll, having just written my first novel during my first Nanowrimo. I had been wanting to do that for years. I was even planning my next novel.

Then boom.

I had a baby, and my life turned upside down. It's been three months. I haven't written a word of fiction since (I haven't gotten more than five hours of sleep at a time, either). It makes me feel horrible inside, knowing I'll never meet my writing goals now.

But after weeks of moping over that, I'm back. I figure if I still want to write after this major life event, then it must be a real passion of mine.

So here I go again. I fell flat on my butt, but I'm up again. That's what's important, I've realized.

What's the first thing I need to do?


Readjust my writing goals to reflect what's realistic for me now.

And since my life is still pretty hectic, with school and a baby and all, I'm only going to focus on a few big goals. I'm not going to make the same mistake again.

What are my new goals for this year?
  1. Write and sell one short story.
  2. Begin the first draft of my second novel.
  3. Begin the first revision of my first novel.
  4. Read as much as I can about writing and for pleasure.
What am I going to do on a daily basis in order to meet these goals?

To be honest, I haven't come up with a specific word count yet. I think for now I just need to focus on writing every day, at least five minutes if that's all I can do. I'll be happy with that for now.

How much do you write a day? What do you do when life happens, and you can't find time to write?


  1. "Life" happens to me about every day. It's a constant struggle. I have a full time job and four kids, one of which is a baby, to help take care of, not to mention all of life's other demands. I just try to renew my commitment every day and do the best I can.

  2. It is a constant struggle. Just to get dinner done! I don't know how you do it with four kids! That's awesome.

    Nicely said. That's a good way of looking at it.
